Homepage of Matt Long

Senior SRE

Current Position: Senior SRE @ Personio (https://www.personio.com/)

Previous Positions:


Christine Altmann, Senior Software Engineer — May, 2023

Matt is fair and cool headed when communicating views while also getting to the point, especially during pressurised situations. Matt keeps an open mind towards solutions, depending on the needs of the project. I've enjoyed working with Matt.

Lenni Hart, Junior Software Engineer — May, 2023

I am honestly sad to see Matt move on, but I hope he thrives wherever he goes next :). Matt is really nice and easy to talk to. I enjoyed the presentations Matt delivered to show the various new things he has implemented (DataDog Observability, CDK IaC) into our systems and he has made serious improvements to the company as a whole, in a short space of time. He has left his mark for sure and he will definitely be missed :)

Jonny Beaumont, Senior Software Engineer — December, 2022

It's great working with Matt, he is always available and happy to help me whenever I need it, and super keen to learn, and teach me more!

Mazaharul Islam, Senior Integrations Engineer — December, 2022

I have seen Matts dedication towards the work and willingness to cooperate was great. Matt always works hard!

Mariia Sidorova, Product Designer — December, 2022

I like working with Matt.  I really appreciate that Matt is willing to share details about his projects. He is clearly a team player who is searching for the solutions. Also, the best part is that he is transparent, I feel like I can trust Matt.

Steve Watson, Senior DevOps Engineer — December, 2022

I’ve seen how well Matt applies his deep knowledge of existing systems to new problems, and if the issue can’t be resolved immediately with an existing implementation, I’m always confident Matt will find out the answer some way or another. Matt is a lovely guy, who has a lot of offer both professionally, and personally.

Attila Bagossy, Software Engineer — December, 2022

Matts help has always been crucial. Here are a few examples: * Giving me access to various services. * Providing an DevOps-oriented overview. * Setting up environments. On each occasion, he was incredibly responsive and thorough. Let me further elaborate on those! Whenever I had a request, I always got a response remarkably quickly. Even if you needed more time to do the thing, I knew my request was “in the queue”. Of course, Matt also provided every necessary update regarding the progress and the completion of the task. I’d also like to underline your thoroughness. Citing examples, one that comes into my mind is how you always ask questions: “Why do you want to do this?“. You’re trying to understand the problem to give the best possible solution. Another example that comes to my mind is the accounting pipeline project. You went the extra mile to explain how to operate the AWS queue thoroughly, so any engineer can troubleshoot it, even if they did not take part in implementing the new accounting solution. Working with Matt has always been a pleasure for me, as your knowledge is unquestionable, and you’re always there to help.

Stavros Kasinos, Senior Software Engineer — December, 2022

My experience working with Matt has been positive since day 1. I remember when I joined Matt was responsive, made me feel welcome, and helped with several questions I had. Matt always helps other joiners throughout. Matts contributions to the execution team overall have been significant. Matt is a team player and always meets deadlines. In particular, Matt did a great job supporting all monetization projects (especially the last one which wasn't well scoped and was needed just before code freeze). Matt can certainly lead and own projects and can document well technical details. I have nothing negative to say, it's been a pleasure working with Matt!

Luka Killic, Software Engineer — December, 2022

I really enjoyed working with Matt, especially on these last few projects. I like the way Matt explain things, and he is really thorough with his work. I really appreciated his detailed responses any time I had a question. Having engineers who know how to explain their solutions, questions and reasonings is a really valuable skill. I even think it’s something that can separate a good engineer from a great one, and I really got that feeling from Matt. Plus, I really like your Matts “positive, can-do” attitude. He says it like it is, and it’s really refreshing to hear something like that in today’s industry 

Samir Azzouz, Junior Software Engineer — December, 2022

Matt always contributes to forums for improving how we do things, even beyond DevOps. Matt is always willing to jump onto any high-priority issues that arise and contribute solutions. Matt hsa strong IaC proficiency contributing to and leading numerous DevOps initiatives. Matt is a genuine team player with great communication skills, and he is very approachable on a personal level.

Josh Tumath, Senior Software Engineer — July, 2021

Matt's a great listener and teacher who's always eager to learn new things, making him a great person to have on your team.

Amelia Lloyd, Junior Software Engineer — April, 2021

During my time working with Matt I found him to be very approachable - as a new developer, he was a great mentor with a knack for explaining complex topics in an accessible way.

Ashley Cleave, Software Engineer — December, 2019

A great asset to the team, Matt is excellent to work with, extremely knowledgable and always furthering his understanding of technologies. Matts wholistic understanding and ability really shines through when working with him; seeing him apply knowledge to complete tasks with speed, all the while maintaining a high standard of quality and best practices, is a great example of how a Software Engineer should be. Knowledge transfer within the team is a strong point for Matt, especially when mentoring less experienced team members. Understanding of technologies and frameworks is shared by Matt, to whoever he works with or helps. Matt is a great team player.